Wednesday, February 25, 2009


"into every life, a little rain must fall"


"never underestimate the influence your words and actions have on others" - i wish i knew who!

Monday, February 23, 2009


"You Commie, homo-loving sons of guns," joked Penn, who earned a surprise win over Mickey Rourke in the Best Actor race. And while the Prop 8 and political elements of Penn's speech weren't the least bit surprising, his admittance that "I want it to be very clear that I do know that I make it very hard to appreciate me, often" certainly was unexpected. And funny (because it's true).

Jack Black

"I make more money doing animation than doing live action ... each year I do one DreamWorks project, and then I take all the money to the Oscars and bet it on Pixar." – Jack Black on the secret of making big bucks in animated movies.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Soul Power

"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground" - Stephen Covey


"To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tse

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Take this, Jack Thompson: Video games can make us heroes! When her family's car flipped over, 11-year-old Audrey Plique helped get her parents and siblings out of the wreckage because -- get this -- she said she remembered from "Grand Theft Auto" that cars can blow up, which is dangerous. Never mind what she's doing playing "GTA" before she's gone through puberty, someone commend this incredible hero, this bad-ass of good deeds! And hey, maybe "Grand Theft Auto" is not good or bad -- it's just the center of the universe and teaches us everything, all that is possible. For this, oh godly creators at Rockstar, we thank thee for thy verisimilitude.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Start a fire and die

"everyone knows that 'cooking' in The Sims may as well be called 'start a fire and die'" - i cosign that one

Saturday, February 14, 2009


"Last week in lunch, Riley says to a classmate 'can a nigga borrow a french fry?' And my first thought wasn't 'omg he said the word. the n-word', it was 'now how is a nigga gonna borrow a fry? nigga is you gonna give it back?'" - Mr Petto

Video Game Remix - VDay Edition

Halo Amore

Rally your troops, create a battle plan and march them straight into her home base.(see the pun? see it? haha)

Actual Game Name: Halo Wars

Rejected V-Day Name: Halo Nurse!

- Libe Goad

Friday, February 13, 2009


"you suck beyond any worldy definition of the word. you have actually created, and are now on a new interdimensional level of suck. thats how much u suck"

Thursday, February 5, 2009


"dont search for it, but keep your eyes open"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"Beauty and intelligence are rarely conjoined" - Dante

"There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery." - Dante's Inferno


"The Truth is rarely pure and never simple" - Oscar Wilde


in response to an AAR driver not knowing her bus cant be on the FDR drive

"CJ" (5:59:12 PM): lmao wow.... stroke of idiot that one was